Production manager. What does this professional?5 min read

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A production manager is the professional responsible for making all the planning of the production line of the collections of a fashion company. Currently, this work is extremely fundamental, as it is from the organization and management of this professional that the company is able to achieve quality production, fulfilling the goals, and obeying the established delivery deadlines.

Therefore, it is the responsibility of this professional to manage the entire production department that involves the risk, cutting, sewing, finishing, wrapping, packaging, labeling, distribution, and finally, the stock of parts. Want to know more about all these process and more about the 4.0 industry revolution? Understand the concept and update yourself on what is most innovative? Access here this super complete and updated article made by the team of experts from Audaces.

denim fabric production managers evaluate material
Production managers are responsible for monitoring all processes within a fashion department, ensuring the perfect delivery and quality of the pieces.

What else does a production manager do?

In addition, the production manager in a clothing company is responsible for releasing purchase orders for raw materials and coordinating the teams of professionals on the production line. He also supervises the manufacturing activities of the parts in the making, assessing whether they are within the specifications and standards required by the company.

Another important function of the production manager is to control spending in the manufacturing sector; develop and evaluate work processes, equipment and tools in order to improve productivity and quality; thus supervising industrial facilities and drawing up plans for expanding the sector in order to meet future demand, among other issues in the scope of process management.

Intermediation between sectors

It is important to highlight that this professional does not act alone and that he needs to be in constant intermediation with other sectors of the company, such as marketing and finance, for example. This is because, despite acting independently, production managers need to work together with all other managers in order to achieve the company’s goals.

In this sense, it is difficult for a company to obtain good results without these three departments, since marketing creates demand for products and services, in addition to developing communication and dissemination strategies for them, the financial sector, which manages the resources available for production, development of campaigns and production areas, which manufacture the clothes to be marketed.

fashion industry production managers make first decisions
Strategic planning is a crucial step in understanding all stages of the fashion production chain.

The step by step of a successful production manager

Although the main function of the production manager is to monitor the activities of the garments and ensure that everything is working perfectly, this process has a series of steps that need to be fulfilled to achieve all the goals set.

A) Management of the inputs and raw materials department:

Good management must ensure that the materials needed to service production on the factory floor are available, at the time, and in the correct quantities. In this way, the production manager can better manage the raw material purchase processes according to the production demand.

B) Management of professionals on the Factory flor:

As well as the care of materials, it is the responsibility of this professional to ensure that the manufacturer has a staff of trained employees to meet the demands of manufacturing.

C) Supervision of maintenance:

Aiming at better performance, with the objective of reducing and avoiding production stoppages, it is extremely important that all maintenance processes are up to date, and at the same time, ensure that they are being done correctly and safely.

There are different types of maintenance, and among them, the main ones are total productive, corrective, preventive, and predictive.

D) Guarantee the quality of products:

The production manager must also work with the quality team to certify that the manufactured products are of the expected quality standard, without defects, and within pre-established conformities.

Another important point is that in order not to be left or missing products and materials on the shop floor, the production manager must ensure that the quantity produced is correct to meet customer orders and the company’s strategies.

E) Manage cost controls:

This same production manager must also monitor and control the company’s expenses during the entire production, ensuring the expected result. In addition, this professional can identify strategies to reduce costs and avoid waste, consequently improving the company’s results in general.

And very importantly, it is also necessary to work together with the marketing manager and the financial manager. This is because they have to be in tune with the amount of sales, brand positioning, deadlines and the main goals of the company.

These are just a few of the activities and functions that production managers need to perform for excellent sales results and all training and updating on good practices, trends, and processes must be part of the routine of a good manager, after all, knowledge is never too much, and the more they specialize, the more efficiency and high performance they develop.

After all, the world of technology and fashion is always reinvented, as well as these fields, all professionals must also be constantly updated!

Well-managed teams deliver high performance in their productions
Team of well-managed professionals deliver materials with more quality, speed and safety.

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