Take the first step
to boost your
fashion career


Enhance fashion industry productivity and stand out in the market!

With Audaces Academy, you gain access to theoretical and practical knowledge about Audaces systems, with all the tools you need to elevate your fashion industry career.

What is Audaces Academy?

Audaces Academy is an online education platform that offers courses and training on Audaces systems, providing continuous updates and essential knowledge for professionals in the fashion industry.


Learning models based on your profile


Our courses are designed to provide in-depth knowledge of Audaces systems with structured modules. Classes are recorded with renowned instructors and professionals in the industry to enhance your learning experience.


Our training classes focus on specific practices and skills, providing comprehensive experience with Audaces tools. You will discover everything you need to get started with Audaces360 and achieve results.

Monthly subscription

Audaces Academy monthly subscription provides unlimited access to our courses and training so you can continue improving your techniques and experience more flexibility in the learning process.

Audaces courses and training provide 6 months of access and certificate of conclusion!

Why subscribe to Audaces Academy?


What our students say

"The Academy is wonderful, it has helped me a lot in learning."
Edneuda Andrade dos Santos
"This is really good, I like it a lot. I go crazy when I want to do something, and I can't."
Maria Alves
Sam Modas
“I'm learning a lot through the Academy! Since I'm not a pattern maker and starting from scratch, it's very helpful.”
Joabe Silva de Morais
Morais & Silva Manufacturing
"I've already started using the Academy and it's been great. It’s very clear and easy to understand."
Neimar Tamanho
Grobe Jeans

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