Web Stories

perfect fit- story 2 (1)

Patternmaking process: how to maximize your productivity?

Discover tools and technological methods to optimize the work of patternmakers on a large scale.
perfect fit - story 1 (1)

Perfect fit: patternmaking techniques for different body shapes

Check out tips on how professionals can create patterns that embrace body diversity.

Digital pattern: what is its role in the fashion market?

Understand how digital patternmaking can reduce errors and accelerate production in different markets.
sustainability in fashion - story 1 (1)

Sustainability in fashion: how to design for the future

Learn how fashion designers can incorporate sustainable practices into their collections, from materials to design.
digital tools - story 1 (2)

Digital tools for sketch creation: how to use them?

A practical guide on how fashion designers can optimize the creative process using fashion design software.

Fashion trends: 3 steps to stay ahead in 2025

Explore insights on emerging fashion trends and how to adapt them for different markets around the world.